Remove or inhibit scale formation


OIl wells often develop deposits of inorganic scales. Scales can form in perforations, casing, production tubulars, valves, pumps, and downhole equipment. This scaling will negatively impact production and sometimes leads to abandonment of the well. With the right treatment this scaling can be prevented, reduced or removed. Our scale treatment and inhibition products are listed here.

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SAS MicroScale

SAS MicroScale products have been developed for the efficient inhibition of calcium and barium based scales.

SAS MicroScale 177 is very effective as a CaCO3 and CaSO4 Scale Inhibitor.

SAS MicroScale 243 is effective against CaCO3, CaSO4, Phosphate, Ba and SrSO4 scales.

SAS MicroScale 308 is effective against CaCO3, CaSO4, Phosphate, Ba and SrSO4 scales but is excellent for BaSO4 scale inhibition.


SAS MicroClean

Our MicroClean products are designed to sequester, act as catalysts or are alkaline treatment agents for common scaling issues.

The MicroClean products are often used in combination with other chemistries or in a combination of MicroClean products. Please contact us with our scale issues and requirements and we will work with you to identify the most optimum treatment.

Our Product Data Sheets can be downloaded to the right of this page.