Simplify wellbore cleanup. Reduce slops waste by 70%. Provide real value.

SAS WellboreClean 116SC is designed specifically to help service companies reduce well cleanup times, minimize operational downtime for operators and maximize production from drilling sites.

The incorporation of SAS WellboreClean 116SC typically enables service companies to finish jobs and get operations back on-line in 1/2 the time compared to other approaches. SAS WellboreClean 116SC is able to reduce cleaning times because the products simplify the wellbore cleanup train by eliminating the need for detergents, solvents and high viscous spacers and eliminate the need for multiple seawater flushes to complete the job.

After the cleaning operation is complete, SAS WellboreClean 116SC, together with a solids control unit, actively split the recovered base oil, the water and the solids. The recovered base oil can be re-used, the water can be discharged (to sea if offshore) and the solids can be disposed of safely.

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Product Data Sheet Download:

SAS WellboreClean 116SC

Case Study Download:

Wellbore Cleanup - North Sea

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